
发布者:未知 发布时间:2012-06-04 浏览量:355






谢宜春教授发表130多篇学术论文,其中SCI收录24篇, SSCI收录25篇。申报人还受邀或被遴选为国际会议报告人50多次。其研究成果多篇发表在《国际地理信息科学》、《美国国家地理学会年刊》、《全球环境变化》、《景观生态》、《环境质量》、《国际摄影测量与遥感》、《遥感》、《国际遥感》等地理信息系统、全球环境研究和遥感领域具有重要影响的高质量期刊上。谢宜春教授曾获美国科学基金会的科学•技术•工程•数学•教育科研杰出奖(2010)、美国地理学家协会的杰出学者奖 (2004)、中国科学院的百位海外杰出学者奖(2003-2006)、美国东密歇根大学的杰出教师奖暨创新一等奖(2000)。其研究工作多次受到美国科学基金会(NSF)、美国宇航局(NASA)、美国商务部(DOC)、美国海洋和大气局(NOAA)、美国环保局(EPA)、美国联邦地质调查局(USGS)、州政府以及工业界的研究资助,直接负责的资助经费逾1,000多万美元,近五年近400万美元。谢宜春教授还受邀担任《植物生态学》(Journal of Plant Ecology, SCI Indexed, Oxford 出版社)副主编、《地理信息科学学报》 (Annuals of GIS, Taylor & Francis出版社) 副主编,并长期为20多个本领域和相关领域的国际期刊评审论。 


Grassland ecosystem dynamics are outcomes of complex interactions among humans, their institutions, and the environment and are emblematic of the environmental challenges that Sustainability Science studies seeks to solve. The studies of human adaptations and institutional interventions involve data such as household surveys, socioeconomic statistic sand policy assessments at multi-levels of administrative units. The exploration of environmental challenges examines field samples at unique sites, over remote sensing scenes, and along transects reflecting both natural and human-made gradients. Grassland degradation is affected by multi-scalar coupled natural and human interactions. It has long been a great challenge how to integrate socio-economic, land-cover-land-use, and environmental data for applied analyses leading to sustainability planning.

Data mining and analysis supporting sustainability planning requires (1) establishing “matches and feedbacks” among data crossing the boundary between human and natural dimensions as well as multiple scales, and (2) adopting quantitative analytical methods to investigate the matches and feedbacks across dimensions and scales. This presentation will evaluate current advances in conceptual and technical approaches of data assimilation and analysis in the context of sustainability studies. Case studies from US NASA Mongolia Plateau Project will be demonstrated to illustrate these newest innovative approaches, such as ecosystem services, dynamic landscape patterns, panel data modeling, hierarchical regression modeling, and structured equation modeling.