
发布者:未知 发布时间:2012-05-07 浏览量:486


报告时间:2012年5月29日 13:30



邬建国博士现为美国亚利桑那州立大学生命科学学院和全球可持续性科学研究所“院长讲席教授”(Dean’s Distinguished Professor) 。内蒙古大学学士学位,美国俄亥俄州迈阿密大学硕士和博士学位。1991-1993年在康奈尔大学和普林斯顿大学作博士后。现在的研究领域主要包括景观生态学、城市生态学、生物多样性与生态系统功能,以及可持续性科学。发表论文200余篇,著作11部。曾担任美国生态学会亚洲分会主席(1999-2000),美国景观生态学会学术年会主席(2001),美国景观生态学会常务理事(2001-2004),美国环境保护部生态学项目科学顾问(2004-2005)。自2005年始担任国际《景观生态学报》(Landscape Ecology)主编。

报告内容简介:Landscape ecology is a highly interdisciplinary field of study which is characterized, most conspicuously, by its spatially explicitness in dealing with ecological problems in theory and practice. E mphasis on spatial heterogeneity begs questions of the pattern-process relationships and scale. Studying sp atial pattern without relating it to ecological processes is superficial, and investigating ecological processes without consideration of spatial pattern is incomplete. From this perspective, landscape ecology is a science of heterogeneity and scale, providing a new scientific paradigm for ecology and other related fields. On the other hand, with increasing human dominance in the biosphere, emphasis on broad spatial scales makes inevitable to deal with humans and their activities. As a consequence, humanistic and holistic perspectives have been and will continue to be central in landscape ecological research. Thus, landscape ecology has become increasingly relevant to sustainability research and practice. To move forward, future landscape ecological studies need to furth er addre ss the key research topics as discussed earlier in this article. In addition, concerted efforts need to be made to focus on sustainability-related research questions. For example, what theories, principles, and methods of landscape ecology are pertinent to sustainability and how can they be operationalized? How does landscape pattern or spatial heterogeneity affect sustainability? How do ecological, economic, and social patterns and processes in landscapes change with scale and interact to influence sustainability? How do we measure landscape sustainability, and what roles can landscape metrics play in all this? How do we develop landscape models to project sustainability trajectories in response to environmental, economic, social, and institutional changes? And finally, how can landscape ecology help design sustainable landscapes?