1月4日 Pedro J.J. Alvarez:Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment: A Vision to Enable Decentralized Water Treatment and Address Growing Challenges of the Water Energy Nexus
主讲人:Pedro J.J. Alvarez教授
主持人:陈小勇 教授
讲座地点:闵行校区 资环楼 148室
Pedro J. J. Alvarez,美国工程院院士、国际水协(IWA)会士、世界著名环境科学家、高引作者;目前为莱斯大学George R. Brown讲席教授,纳米水处理技术美国国家工程中心主任,上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院顾问教授。曾获得2012年欧文克拉克奖(水研究领域的最高奖)、2014年美国环境工程师和科学家学会最高奖、2007年地下水保护、修复或可持续利用的麦克奖章等。目前任美国基金委工学理事会咨询委员、美国国家科学委员会的Cleaner委员会委员、环境领域顶级杂志Environmental Science & Technology的副主编等多个学术兼职。主要研究领域包括纳米技术的环境应用和环境影响、生物修复技术、生物燃料的水足迹、水处理与回用、抗生素抗性控制等。Alvarez教授在Science等刊物发表SCI论文280余篇,被引用30000余次,个人H因子83,多项环境修复技术得到推广应用。
Through control over material size, morphology and chemical structure, nanotechnology offers novel materials that are nearly “all surface” and that can be more reactive per atom than bulk materials. Such engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) can offer superior catalytic, adsorptive, optical, quantum, electrical and/or antimicrobial properties that enable multi-functional technology platforms for next-generation water treatment. This presentation will address emerging opportunities for nanotechnology to improve the selectivity and efficiency to remove priority pollutants, decrease electrical energy requirements, and meet a growing need for safer and more affordable decentralized water treatment and reuse. Because water is by far the largest waste stream of the energy industry, we will also discuss technological innovation to enable produced water reuse in remote (off-grid) oil and gas fields, to minimize freshwater withdrawal and disposal challenges. Examples of applicable nano-enabled technologies include fouling-resistant membranes with embedded ENMs that allow for self-cleaning and repair; capacitive deionization with highly conductive and selective electrodes to remove multivalent ions that precipitate or cause scaling; rapid magnetic separation using superparamagnetic nanoparticles; solar-thermal processes enabled by nanophotonics to desalinate with membrane distillation; disinfection and advanced oxidation using nanocatalysts; and nanostructured surfaces that discourage microbial adhesion and protect infrastructure against biofouling and corrosion. We envision using these enabling technologies to develop compact modular water treatment systems that are easy to deploy and can treat challenging waters to protect human lives and support economic development.