12月10日:The microbial ecology of the phyllosphere
主 讲 人:Steven W. Kembel(副教授,加拿大首席科学家)
主 持 人:何芳良(教授)
Steven W. Kembel,获加拿大首席科学家(植物微生物学)。任魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校生命科学系副教授、基因组平台主任、生命科学中心成员、森林研究中心成员。2007年于阿尔伯塔大学获生物科学专业博士学位。曾多次在《Nature》、《ISME Journal》、《Microbiome》、《Trends in Ecology & Evolution》、《Ecology Letters》等杂志发表论文。
What drives the distribution of microbes living on leaves - the phyllosphere? Research in my lab focuses on the ecology of phyllosphere bacterial taxa and functions across host species in natural ecosystems. I will present recent work using environmental sequencing to quantify the taxonomic and functional diversity of microbial communities from the leaves of multiple tree species in a neotropical forest in Panama. Tree leaves are host to a diverse array of bacteria and fungi. Microbial taxa exhibit distinct associations with host tree species, but the core functional microbiome across multiple host species was remarkably consistent across trees, with many gene functions present in the phyllosphere of all sampled tree species. However, individual tree species possessed microbial communities with distinctive functional repertoires, and host tree taxonomic identity explained variation in metagenome phylogenetic and functional structure. Microbial functional diversity was highly correlated with a suite of host plant functional traits related to leaf chemistry and the ecological strategy of the host plant. I will present other work from my lab where we have shown that this variation in microbial diversity across plant hosts has direct impact on ecosystem function.