
发布者:未知 发布时间:2018-07-20 浏览量:303

主 讲 人:Ditte Arp Jensen 博士生
主 持 人:张健  教授
讲座地址:闵行校区 资环楼435室

Ditte Arp Jensen是丹麦奥胡思大学生态信息学与生物多样性研究组博士研究生,主要研究方向为生物多样性与宏生态学。

Considering the large human population in China and the ongoing population increase, it is important to understand the relative importance of environmental and human drivers for shaping species distributions. In this study, we determine the relative importance of human influence on gymnosperm species distributions, with a specific aim of investigating interactive and species-specific effects of human population density. From the results, threatened gymnosperm species displayed strong associations with steep terrain in zones of higher human population density, suggesting that these species have been subjects to unsustainable human activities that has led them to occur primarily in areas less favorable for human use.