3月22日:Priming Effects: Interactions between living and dead organic matter / Soil Science in China: General Problems & Solutions

发布者:未知 发布时间:2018-03-22 浏览量:285

主讲人: Yakov Kuzyakov 教授
主持人: 周小奇 教授
开始时间: 2018-3-22(周四)上午9:00
讲座地址: 闵行校区 资环楼435会议室
主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技

Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov has been working as a director of Department of Soil Science of Temperate Ecosystems, and department of Agricultural Soil Science, University of Göttingen, Germany. As a famous soil ecologist, his research focuses on soil - plant - microorganisms interactions, such as priming effects, soil biogeochemistry cycling including C and N transformations. He has published a great number of papers, including 3 hot papers (top 0.1% citations) and 19+ highly cited papers (top 1% citations). Prof. Kuzyakov has acted as the member of the editorial board of top ranking journals, such as Global Change Biology, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, European Journal of Soil Biology, Biogeosciences, Land Degradation and Development, etc. For more information, welcome to his website: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/212970.html

1、Recent publications have shown that the increase or decrease in soil organic matter mineralization (measured as changes of CO2 efflux and N mineralization) actually results from interactions between living (microbial biomass) and dead organic matter. The priming effect (PE) is not an artifact of incubation studies, as sometimes supposed, but is a natural process sequence in the rhizosphere and detritusphere that is induced by pulses or continuous inputs of fresh organics. The intensity of turnover processes in such hotspots is at least one order of magnitude higher than in the bulk soil. Different approaches for identifying priming, based on the assessment of more than two C sources in CO2 and microbial biomass, are proposed and methodological and statistical uncertainties in PE estimation and approaches to eliminating them are discussed. The conclusion is that PEs – the interactions between living and dead organic matter – should be incorporated in models of C and N dynamics, and that microbial biomass should regarded not only as a C pool but also as an active driver of C and N turnover.
2、To discuss the general problems and solutions of soil science in China. Soil science in China is facing many challenges, and more research are needed to solve current problems emerging.
