10月23日:Beta Diversity Along Latitudinal Gradients

发布者:未知 发布时间:2017-10-16 浏览量:321

报告人:钱 宏 教授

主持人:张 健 教授

时 间:2017-10-23(周一)下午 3:00

地 点:闵行区生科辅楼119会议室


钱宏,美国伊利诺伊州州立博物馆(Illinois State Museum)研究员(Curator)。他分别在生态学和生物地理学领域获得双博士学位,长期从事大尺度生物多样性比较和生物地理学研究。研究对象覆盖全球的苔藓、蕨类、种子植物和陆栖脊椎动物等生物类群。研究内容主要包括亚洲东部与北美东、西部地区之间植物区系的关系,历史过程和现代环境因子分别对生物多样性格局的影响,以及植物和动物生物多样性之间的关系成因和维持机制。钱宏在国际学术刊物发表论文110多篇,发表文章的SCI影响因子累计值超过470,总被引用3300余次。论文发表的主要学术刊物包括Nature(2篇),Science(1篇),Trends in Ecology & Evolution(2篇),Ecology Letters(5篇),Global Ecology and Biogeography(8篇)等国际顶级刊物。此外,他出版的专著《Plants of British Columbia》,也是加拿大西部地区植物学研究重要的工具书之一。


Species diversity is often described with three components: alpha-, beta-, and gamma-diversity. Alpha- and gamma-diversity both measure species richness within an area, but they focus on different spatial scales. Gamma-diversity measures total species richness in a larger area comprised of many smaller sub-units in which alpha-diversity, the species richness in a sub-unit, is measured. Beta-diversity quantifies the variation in species composition among the sub-units, and thus represents a scalar linking alpha- and gamma-diversity. Understanding the underlying mechanisms that drive beta-diversity across the globe is crucial to understanding the origin and maintenance of global patterns in biodiversity. Patterns of beta-diversity have been long thought to be driven, at least in part, by ecological mechanisms but this idea has been challenged by a recent article published in one of the world’s top scientific journals (Science, vol. 333, p.1755-1758). However, in the presentation, I will show that the results of the article are based on an artifact of data and a method that would result in artifacts.