9月1日:The pivotal role of ancient fires in evolution of the Earth's terrestrial flora

发布者:未知 发布时间:2017-08-23 浏览量:303

主 讲 人:何田华 副教授

主 持 人:陈小勇 教授



主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处


何田华博士现任职于澳大利亚Curtin University担任副教授,主要从事植物功能性状进化及植物适合度对全球气候变化的响应。目前已在SCI刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中多篇发表于New PhytologistMolecular Ecology等专业顶级期刊。


The importance of fire as a selective agent is gaining increased attention while it remains poorly understood. There also remains a general lack of appreciation of the roles of fire in the origin, evolution, ecology and conservation of the Earth’s biodiversity. We review the literature on the presence of fire throughout the Earth’s history following the evolution of land plants and examine the evidence for the origin and evolution of adaptive functional traits, biomes, and major plant groups in relation to fire. We conclude that fire has been a fundamental agent of natural selection on terrestrial plants throughout the history of life on the Earth’s land surface. We suggest that a paradigm shift is required to re-assess ecological and evolutionary theories that exclude a role for fire, and also the need to review fire-suppression policies on ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation in global fire-prone regions.