
发布者:未知 发布时间:2014-06-03 浏览量:485


讲座一:Sustainability  of Forests Created by China's Sloping Land Conversion Program

主持人:李俊祥 教授




China implemented the Sloping Land  Conversion Program (SLCP) during 2001–2010, which led to the conversion of  millions of hectares of marginal croplands to forests across 25 provinces  involving 124 million people and costing the government 233 billion Yuan.  Therefore, the sustainability of forests created by SLCP is of high stake. The  sustainability of these forests strongly depends on the impacts of the program  on participant farmer's livelihoods. In this study, we conducted household  surveys on the program's impacts on the livelihoods of the participating farmers  in Anhui, Hubei, and Shanxi provinces. Overall, it seems likely that the  converted cropland will remain as forests in the near and medium future, with  the possibility for the forests to be later reconverted back to croplands  varying significantly across the three sites. The SLCP is associated with minor  improvements in the livelihoods for a majority of participating farmers, and  offers a significant safety net for households that are poor. We also found that  farmers are overwhelmingly positive toward the program. To sustain these  successes, continued monitoring of the forests is needed as current factors  determining the success of the program may change. Further, studies in different  regions of China would also be useful as SLCP outcomes strongly depend on the  local context and conditions.

讲座二:Mapping Plant Productivity with Optical Remote  Sensing: Theory and Practice

主持人:朱瑞良 教授




Plant productivity is a key term in global  carbon cycle. Remote sensing is perhaps the only viable option that can map  plant productivity repeatedly in a timely manner. In this talk, I will first  review the basic theory of plant productivity, and its linkages with optical  remote sensing. Then I will present some results of using a light-use-efficiency  model in the Yangtze River Basin for the first decade of the 21st century. The  study found that both land-cover/land-use change and climate variability had  strong impacts on plant productivity. Due to China's reforestation and natural  forest conservation efforts, plant productivity in the Yangtze River Basin  increased significantly during the period, while climate change generally had  negative impact, offsetting a significant proportion of the positive effect from  the increase in forest cover. Therefore, accurate understanding of plant  production over a large area over a significant period of time needs to account  both factors.


宋从和教授2000年毕业于波士顿大学地理系,获博士学位,现任美国北卡罗来那大学教堂山分校(the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)地理系教授,副系主任。主要从事植被遥感和生态系统建模方面的研究工作,研究内容涉及森林生态系统碳循环、植被演替及森林生态系统生物物理参数的定量遥感、地理信息系统应用和生态系统过程模型模拟等。目前主持美国国家自然科学基金、NASA,USDA林务局等项目多项。2006年获美国宇航局(NASA)的青年基金奖(New Investigator’s Program Award);2005-2006 年期间被哈佛大学(Harvard University)聘任为查尔斯-博勒德学者(Charles Bullard Fellow)。2013-2014曾任ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing杂志副主编。  在Nature、Remote Sensing of Environment、Journal of Geophysical Ressearch等刊物发表学术论文40多篇,论文被SCI 上的杂志他引1186 次,其中单篇最高他引490多次,为ESI (Essential Science Indicators) 高被引用论文。