12月19日:Soil organic carbon dynamics and climate change (全球变化生态学系列讲座-7)

发布者:未知 发布时间:2016-12-13 浏览量:308

主 讲 人贺钰杰 博士 (美国 UC Irvine)

主 持 人:夏建阳 教授


讲座地址:资环楼 435 会议室


报告人简介:贺钰杰博士目前就职于美国UC Irvine,博士毕业于美国普渡大学。贺钰杰博士的研究方向为土壤碳循环的动态及模拟,目前重点基于全球的土壤放射性同位素观测数据对地球系统模式中的土壤碳库模拟进行评估与改进。相关的工作已发表于Science,JGR-B, Biogeoscience, Quanternary Science Reviews等期刊。本次报告将围绕她今年发表在Science上的工作,探讨土壤碳循环与气候变化在模拟方面的最近进展。

报告摘要: Projections of land carbon storage over the next centuries made by Earth System Models (ESMs) are highly uncertain. Much research in the past decade has focused on the measurements of productivity and net ecosystem carbon flux, but processes that operates on decadal to centennial timescales such as stabilization and decomposition are still not well understood. There is a clear need to understand the carbon residence times in vegetation and soils. My work focuses on the carbon-climate feedback of the terrestrial ecosystem, in particular the soil organic carbon dynamics and its sequestration potential under climate change. The techniques used including model-data assimilation, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of various conceptual models (e.g. microbial-based model), and the incorporation of 14C data in constraining soil carbon residence time. The overall goal is to enhance the process-based understanding of the soil carbon dynamics and its responses to the changing climate