9月12-14日:Scaling from properties of tree architecture to mechanisms of coexistence in forest tree communities

发布者:未知 发布时间:2016-09-12 浏览量:293



宋坤老师邀请到北海道大学Takashi Kohyama教授来访,9月12-14日将开设一个短期课程,具体信息如下:


Course Title:

Scaling from properties of tree architecture to mechanisms of coexistence in forest tree communities



Takashi Kohyama (甲山隆司)

Faculty of Environmental Earth Science and Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

Email: kohyama@ees.hokudai.ac.jp



Room: 470# (not final decision)



Why there are many tree species coexisting in natural forests? I have been working on this question over years. In this lecture, I introduce my studies related to this topic, carried out in various types of forest over east and southeast Asia.

One can observe tree architecture, and the dynamics of forest trees (i.e. survival, growth and recruitment). Across these aspects, there are among-species differentiation and convergence, as well as within-species differentiation. Based on the collective knowledge, I hypothesize the mechanisms of tree species coexistence from the viewpoint of competition for light.


Key topics:

# Plasticity in tree architecture and growth (Sep 12th 13:00-16:30)

Papers: Kohyama (1980), Kohyama, Hara & Tadaki (1990), Seino (1998), Kubo & Kohyama (2005)

# Plastic variation in leaf and shoot traits(Sep 13th 9:00-11:30)

Papers: Miyata et al. (2011) Miyata & Kohyama (2016)

# Among-species trade-off in tree architecture(Sep 13th 13:00-16:30)

Papers: Kohyama (1987), Kohyama & Grubb (1994), Aiba & Kohyama (1986); Iida et al. (2011, 2014)

# Dynamics of tree size structure explained by one-sided competition for light(Sep 14th 9:00-11:30)

Papers: Kohyama (1989, 1992a)

# Tree species coexistence explained by one-sided competition for light(Sep 14th 13:00-16:30)

Papers: Kohyama (1992b, 1993), Kohyama & Takada (2009, 2012), Kohyama et al. (2015)