10月9日:Eco-Cities - Management perspectives of urban development

发布者:未知 发布时间:2015-10-01 浏览量:245

报告人:Jürgen  Breuste 教授

主持人:李俊祥 教授

时  间:2015年10月9日(周五)上午9:00-10:00

地  点:闵行校区资环楼435会议室

报告人简介:Jürgen Breuste held a professorship for Geography/Urban Ecology at Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg (Austria). He studied geography at Martin-Luther University Halle/Wittenberg from where he got his PhD in 1982 and his second graduation in 1986. He was university lecturer for geography, geo-ecology and urban ecology at the German universities in Halle, Greifswald, Dresden and Leipzig and headed of department Urban Landscape at the Environmental Research Centre Leipzig/Halle for 10 years before his actual position in 2001. There he is Honorary Professor of East China Normal University Shanghai, and Capital Normal University Beijing, China, member of several scientific boards and president of the International Society of Urban Ecology (SURE). He has worked as project leader in a number of research projects on urban ecology and urban development at EU level and in other international cooperation. He is specified in urban ecosystem research, nature protection and modelling of urban development by numerous publications.

报告简介: Worldwide there are many eco-cities in planning or even in realization, most of them in China. Unfortunately it is mostly not very clear in which way their design and management will contribute as a best practice example to urban sustainability. The ecosystem service approach focuses on ecosystem services on which cities are depend on and from which urban dwellers can profit. This and the resource consumption reduction concept must be applied in eco-city design, management and evaluation. An indicator based assessment approach of ecosystem services in eco-cities will be implemented on the example of the Austrian eco-city ‘Solar-City’ which becomes in 2015 10 years old. The evaluation shows that ‘Solar City’ fulfills several ecological aspects are not included, the concept stays fragmented. The developed methodology allows developing eco-city standards, to compare eco-cities, to implement them in existing cities and to improve new urban development.