8月18日:Develop a coupled atmosphere-land model in the Arctic: HIRHAM5-CLM4.0

发布者:未知 发布时间:2015-08-04 浏览量:263

主讲人:周旭 博士

主持人:周旭辉 教授

时  间:2015-08-18(周二)上午9:30

地  址:闵行校区资环楼435

报告人简介:周旭,博士,2015年毕业于德国波茨坦大学。现于德国亥姆霍兹中心,阿尔弗雷德魏格纳极地与海洋研究所从事科研工作。从事的研究领域包括区域气候模式的开发以及应用,边界层陆气相互作用的影响等。已在Advance in Meteorology,中国空间学报等国内外期刊发表多篇文章。

报告简介: The atmospheric regional model HIRHAM5 and the stand alone community land model CLM4.0 are applied in the Arctic and are validated against station data, satellite data, and reanalysis data. Both the atmospheric model HIRHAM5 and the land model CLM4.0 have been integrated over the period 1979-2010. Important atmospheric quantities (mean sea level pressure, 2 m air temperature, 10 m wind, geopotential heights and wind components at 850, 500 and 250 hPa) are well simulated by HIRHAM5 in comparison to ERA-Interim reanalysis data. But large biases are detected for some land surface variables, which could be caused by the simplicity of the HIRHAM5 soil scheme. In order to improve the land surface simulation, we coupled the atmosphere HIRHAM5 model with a more sophisticated land model CLM4.0 after the first validation of CLM4.0: ‘HIRHAM5-CLM4.0’. The coupled model has been integrated in the same area over a short 5 year period from 1979 to 1984 and greatly improves the soil temperatures and albedos compared to HIRHAM5.The improvements could be associated with the multiple surface processes that responsible surface energy balance.