2023年10月18日 张致杰博士:Towards a general but still accurate prediction of species coexistence

发布时间:2023-10-18 浏览量:741

讲座题目: Towards a general but still accurate prediction of species coexistence

主 讲 人:刘艳杰 研究员

主 持 人:张致杰 博士

开始时间:10月18日 15:00


报告摘要:The unprecedented loss of species underscores the urgent need for interventions to restore biodiversity. The efficacy of these interventions relies on our ability to predict species coexistence. However, coexistence is often characterized by context dependency. In this talk, I will first reveal the context dependency with several small examples. Second, I will show that context-dependent coexistence can be accurately predicted by a mechanistic model. Third, I will show how this mechanistic model can contribute to our understanding of the interplay between evolution and species coexistence.

报告人简介:张致杰,现于德国康斯坦茨大学从事博士后研究,2020年于康斯坦茨大学获得生态学博士学位,2016年于复旦大学获得生态学硕士学位。主要方向为结合理论与实验研究物种的演化与共存。以第一作者身份在Nature Ecology and Evolution, Science Advances, Ecology Letters, Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Trends in Microbiology等杂志发表多篇文章。