2023年5月15日 Professor Nathan Sanders:Studying (mostly) ants in meter square quadrats, on mountains, and globally to understand biodiversity on a changing planet

发布者:未知 发布时间:2023-05-15 浏览量:328

主题:Studying (mostly) ants in meter square quadrats, on mountains, and globally to understand biodiversity on a changing planet

主讲人:Professor Nathan Sanders

主持人:张健 教授

时间:5月15日 晚上8:30-9:30

地点:腾讯会议361-304-118 (密码:230515


I’ll tell you about work we started way back in 2004 on ant biodiversity in mountains that has led to the first global map of ant biodiversity as well as a series of experiments to understanding how climate and climate change influence ants and all that they do in terrestrial ecosystems. If there’s time, I’ll tell you about some work on plants in mountains as well.


Nathan Sanders是美国密西根大学生态与进化生物学系教授,现任Journal of Animal Ecology主编之一。主要研究工作涉及群落生态学、生态系统生态学和宏生态学等领域,重点关注全球变化和种间相互作用对生物(尤其是蚂蚁)多样性丧失的影响及其后果。2012年获James R. Cox Professorship,2018年入选美国生态学会会士。截至目前,Sanders教授已发表266篇学术论文,包括6篇ScienceNature,引用近2万次,H指数71。更多信息见:http://www.natesanders.org/