2023年1月14日 Amy Angert: Population and community dynamics in a rapidly changing climate

发布者:未知 发布时间:2023-01-14 浏览量:466

讲座题目:Population and community dynamics in a rapidly changing climate

:Amy Angert, Professor

人:李勤 副教授

开始时间:1月14日 9:00

讲座地址:Zoom Meeting   ID: 640-2788-6


Dr. Angert is a professor at the Department of Botany & Zoology, Biodiversity Research Centre, at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She is also a Canada Research Chair Tier 2 in Canada. She is a leading scientist in Ecology and Evolution, and mainly focuses on plant evolutionary and population ecology, range limits, functional ecology, and population and community dynamics under climate change.


Research in the Angert Lab lies at the interface of ecology and evolutionary biology. Much of her research focuses on the evolutionary ecology of species’ geographic distributions, asking what limits adaptation at the edges of species' ranges, why closely related species vary by orders of magnitude in range size, and how ranges are likely to shift in response to climatic changes. Another line of inquiry focuses on population and community dynamics and mechanisms of species coexistence. These different projects are united by a focus on mechanisms of, and constraints on, niche evolution and the consequences of divergence in niche properties for patterns of distribution and abundance. Dr. Angert will show her recent work by combining experimental manipulations with observations of natural populations and tools from quantitative genetics and physiological ecology.