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2019 Clone configuration and spatial genetic structure of two Halophila ovalis populations with contrasting internode lengths Xu NN, Jiang K, Biswas SR, Tong X, Wang R, Chen XY* Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution SCI 查看
2019 Cololejeunea tianmuensis, a new epiphyllous species of Cololejeunea (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta) from Zhejiang, China Dai Z, Tang X, Tu SW, Zhuang LJ, Zhua MJ, Zhao MS, Zhang SC, Wang J Phytotaxa SCI 查看
2019 Comparative analyses of the microbial communities inhabiting coal mining waste dump and an adjacent acid mine drainage creek Sun W*, Xiao E, Krumins V, Dong Y, Li B, Deng J, Wang Q, Xiao T, Liu J Microbial Ecology SCI 查看
2019 Contrasting responses after fires of the source components of soil respiration and ecosystem respiration Chen J*, Zhang YF, Luo YQ, Zhou XH, Jiang Y, Zhao J, Chen YZ, Wang C, Guo L, Cao JJ European Journal of Soil Science, 2019, 70: 616-629 SCI 查看
2019 Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2 enrichment Walker AP, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Iversen CM, Asao S, Guenet B, Harper A, Hickler T, Hungate B, Jain A, Luo Y, Lu X, Lu M, Luus K, Megonigal J, Oren R, Ryan E, Shu S, Talhelm A, Wang Y, Warren J, Werner C, Xia J, Yang B, Zak D, Norby R Nature communications SCI 查看
2019 Decadal stabilization of soil inorganic nitrogen as a benchmark for global land models Wei N, Cui E, Huang K, Du Z, Zhou J, Xu X, Wang J, Yan L, Xia J* Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems SCI 查看
2019 Different impacts of external ammonium and nitrate addition on plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems a meta-analysis Yan L, Xu X, Xia J* Science of the Total Environment SCI 查看
2019 Different responses of avian feeding guilds to spatial and environmental factors across an elevation gradient in the central Himalaya Ding ZF*, Liang JC, Hu YM, Zhou ZX, Sun HB, Liu LN, Liu HJ, Hu HJ, Si XF* Ecology and Evolution SCI 查看
2019 Differential maginitude of rhizosphere effects on soil aggregation at three stages of subtropical secondary forest successions Liu RQ, Zhou XH*, Wang J, Zhou GY, Shao JJ, Fu YL, Liang C,Yan ER, Chen XY, Wang XH, Bai SH Plant and Soil SCI 查看
2019 Differential response of soil respiration to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a highly phosphorus-limited subtropical forest, China Liu HM, Zhou GY, Bai SH, Song JJ, Shang YJ, He M, Wang XH, Zheng ZM* Forest Ecology and Management SCI 查看
2019 Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees Chu CJ, ……Liu Y, He FL, Wang XH, Shen GC, et al. Ecology letters SCI 查看
2019 Distance-dependent seed-seedling transition in the tree Castanopsis sclerophylla is altered by fragment size Wang R, Shi YS, Zhang YX, Xu GF, Shen GC*, Chen XY* Communications Biology SCI 查看