Plant growth strategy determines the magnitude and direction of drought-induced changes in root exudates in subtropical forests
- 发表年度:
- 2023
- 论文题目:
- Plant growth strategy determines the magnitude and direction of drought-induced changes in root exudates in subtropical forests
- 刊物全称:
- Global Change Biology
- 年,卷期,页码:
- 2023, 29(12): 3476-3488
- 标准刊号:
- 单位标注排名:
- 全部作者名字:
- Jiang Z, Fu Y*, Zhou L*, He Y, Zhou G, Dietrich P, Long J, Wang X, Jia S, Ji Y, Jia Z, Song B, Liu R, Zhou X
- 通讯作者:
- 伏玉玲,周灵燕
- 本单位首位作者排名:
- 刊物收录类别:
- 一区
- SCI/SSCI影响因子:
- 11.6
- 是否为国际合作论文:
- 是
- 电子版附件:
- 备注:
- 最后更新日期: