Different impacts of external ammonium and nitrate addition on plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems a meta-analysis
- 发表年度:
- 2019
- 论文题目:
- Different impacts of external ammonium and nitrate addition on plant growth in terrestrial ecosystems a meta-analysis
- 刊物全称:
- Science of the Total Environment
- 年,卷期,页码:
- Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 686: 1010-1018
- 标准刊号:
- 168
- 单位标注排名:
- 46
- 全部作者名字:
- Yan L, Xu X, Xia J*
- 通讯作者:
- Xia J
- 本单位首位作者排名:
- 刊物收录类别:
- SCI/SSCI影响因子:
- 5.589
- 是否为国际合作论文:
- 否
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- 备注:
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